Monday, 27 April 2009

H1N1 Swine-Flu

Due to the serious nature of the recent outbreak of the H1N1 strand of Swine-Flu, Hesse and Hombre, The loco Legumes are currently under quarantine until further notice.

They are not infected as such, but their care-free life of Going Loco at every opportunity has weakened their immune system and they are of such high importance to the people of Mexico, and the world as a whole, that the authorities thought it prudent to keep them under close medical scrutiny.

Kind regards,
Dr. Margaret Chan,
Leading Representative and Head of The World Health Organisation.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Hombre, Do You Like Being A Legume?

Cheez! Hesse scared me there for a meeneet - had me shaking in my leettle party hat.
Thankfully a teeny beet of Loco got heem back on the straight and narrow!

Saturday, 11 April 2009

We're goin' loco all over the web!

Hey Hombres and Hombrettes!

If you need a leettle more Loco in your life than you're already getting, then Tweet weeth us!

Or if you only need to go a teeny bit more loco, you can watch us on YouTube!

Lots of Loco (and tequila!),
Hesse and Hombre :D
P.S: There's a new veedeo coming soon, Homes!